MMOdev Chat Room
Chatroom Rules
📜 MMOdev Chatroom Rules
Respect Each Other 🙏
Treat all members with respect. Harassment, hate speech, and personal attacks are not allowed. Let's keep the chat friendly and inclusive! -
Stay On Topic 💬
Use the appropriate channels for your discussions. Keep conversations relevant to MMOdev and avoid off-topic posts in specific channels. -
No Spamming 🚫
Avoid spamming messages, emojis, or links. Keep the chat clean and easy to follow for everyone. -
Use Appropriate Language 🗣️
Please use respectful and appropriate language. Swearing, offensive, or explicit content is not permitted. -
No Self-Promotion or Advertising 📢
Refrain from promoting your own services, servers, or websites. Self-promotion is only allowed with permission in designated channels. -
Help Each Other Out 🤝
Support other members when possible! If you can answer a question or provide assistance, it’s appreciated by the entire community. -
Report Issues to Moderators 🔍
If you see any rule-breaking or encounter any issues, reach out to a moderator privately rather than addressing it in the chat. -
One Account Per Member 👤
Each user should maintain only one account to avoid confusion and maintain accountability.
📌 Failure to follow these rules may result in a warning or removal from the chatroom. Let’s make MMOdev a positive space for all!
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Global Statistics
Who was online 368 Users were Online in the last 24 hours
- knabirren
- Tomika1997
- Hanora
- Raizel
- Rulzovskyy
- Ciofolino
- Ruffa
- cozonac33
- bacoki
- RuanSoombra
- Alim
- kenshi199015
- mt2hardcoresv
- PumpItUp
- Sirokilla
- Sparowww
- xJetr0
- MosEne
- sangokay
- Osaka
- baddeal
- Aaro
- SiKay
- PoPoZ
- sziszkaa
- Kam
- george2008
- Dmitry188
- Uffo
- Chucky
- sdxqw
- erotics21
- Scorpio
- Metin2 Unirea
- costi23
- dummy9506
- _KK
- netroo
- Krini
- ShazaM
- bubu
- devnarqoz
- Gkovacs32
- danyar
- osky2
- danger
- Onix3
- inu95
- Danke
- AstarothGlobal
- muczor
- triball
- Thalric
- shaker
- Wonder
- Shirodir
- scott.
- noleman123
- justme29292
- SnakerSnk
- alturi2.to
- Kenny1609
- mixxi
- Roc0001
- raradada
- Ene
- Metin2FRZ
- kadir25tr
- Hgat
- Valen63
- Errorlog
- Stanko
- Majus
- deko
- AlleJr2002
- serberus68
- mand3a12
- darkbloodly2
- scandura
- fokalezu
- Abrak20
- Bdev
- Coderhakan
- Rob3rt
- Zwbi
- davidlicurici
- etytk
- asD32FC
- newlimitnewlimit
- KcEr
- Fubuki
- beqkral
- notyourdaddy
- e3xl
- rakos021
- Assitoni1
- koridev
- randomuser
- Bebelushu12
- MasterChief
- Marco
- stancusorin97
- TheRealLenon
- xSorinacio
- user
- navajoo
- kuze11
- maryam39
- erik90000
- brashbeat
- HemyHB
- mortalkombatscorp
- NoNNe
- daanu
- ogjordan
- bestproduction
- Milakais
- bobogeorge
- Wish3r
- danesz93
- Razvan04
- xZ3uSo
- Gabrielpgp
- lesnik1994
- danieldev1997
- dkmarin2
- trample
- Aspects
- divin
- norya
- Mizeart
- xCrazy
- BoBo
- Ctest
- kudoonline
- sabau1998
- Wrecklez
- cosionn
- Kori
- ogstudio
- toornado
- ungureanu019
- Daichi
- Akcentus
- Gunther12
- Hardix
- kokot159147
- sedat3363
- f4b
- Tsukuyomi
- Ins1de
- CRiQ01
- Warks
- sedat
- ragnar
- agyikabika
- mermercan
- blackghost27
- Maseda91
- sarbadelin
- Kayako
- Panky
- cropex
- Ekhion
- ARtur
- centarus00
- Tekkadon
- TakeSkate
- persia027
- silentasalmans
- vLaduuGG
- DeepWx
- 2137sperma
- Nives
- mt2vital
- kolenmgk
- RaKu
- Thorfinn
- gh0stt
- MasodikLajos
- claooxr
- NewbieDEV
- totolala
- DerAnwalt1996
- FullMann03
- KingModus31
- willywonka
- cinix1
- cris6901
- Asuke
- Rylen98
- Thurek
- thegamer
- joaocarlospt
- Mega64
- shadowtuga
- Waky
- wefgzrcfgff
- Luxor123
- tapumpa
- klars
- gangos
- undeadlegend
- Klawss
- Autostud
- boomar2014
- Kistoc97
- luki3507
- ADonis
- KiritoSan
- SuperWeed
- sharqawy
- time
- Dragon
- narcis
- lockgarhun
- mel0un3k
- boomar201422
- PrincePuma
- semmi69
- Codatu
- AndreutMessy20
- iCareca
- YachBoat
- enes111
- nmutlutdiyen
- blackjack1921
- yunus0399
- Fr4kTuS
- Ciucciamelo
- TujaLo
- picasun
- Azazel
- AdrianADZ2023
- champagne
- chouglouu
- cmod
- bbrobert10
- deaddead290
- testore
- Hirokumata
- choglou
- sykes16
- Emuzex
- MyDoom
- hades33
- Klipo
- KingsGame
- Queda
- btiaguim
- judeiras
- pdv98
- danieldev97
- Demonul
- Maasym
- basurita2
- FrozenShower
- HighOnCaffeine
- Suca
- Aloy2189
- Wsted
- Stefan
- etanos
- carpiciyim
- stefaniulian
- lordkaos
- TeamKek
- trkrkn54
- TKSama286
- mafia92
- tofadi5
- Life
- CallMeDaddy
- Anubis
- ProjeCtOne
- gamer6661102
- adcgvgsdvz
- mlukr
- brsturk
- kotomoto007
- MarcelST
- Skeep3ro
- supremepower
- Dragunov2
- Dexter1546
- Cage
- Alpha000Network
- Azuhara
- adnan20031
- B7aR
- mirk000
- issam
- fLo91
- moiseandreea0517
- Chrono
- carnage_classic
- sevastian25
- cocacola
- shavez
- hasanmacit
- RiverDev
- zsloower
- dokaci1
- Adelinos
- game213
- drugstar
- BughyT
- midaci
- Alexinioh
- ilker1
- eronys
- fustat37
- xrhstos000
- return2015
- Dakine283
- Stalinski
- rad5uu
- Marcos Lima
- MrSonderbarx3
- PistaMonte
- Bebelushu
- bruno moreira
- mgeorge
- pepsi
- Absolute
- baiatull
- Evkon
- Spartan
- fera2013
- xKozeD.
- pcb.is.good
- balikcik61
- CjMt2
- igoriap
- Bitusebi
- uchiha26
- kari.
- Akino
- ppaakk
- terrorr
- charly88
- velciu21
- cpt.ridvann
- attilla
- nanoie
- rayjhp
- Milcsikee
- dePayens
- remix
- Shaay
- maxpoint012
- kullmanici2
- Shadow
- Kings2k24
- kevel
- wawaaa